What is the “preschool life” like?


Routine - the key to success

Repeatability and routine are elements of the sense of security and harmony of the rhythm of the day. They provide stability, predictability and peaceful, educational settings.


Magic World Preschool has comfortable cots for kids who like and want to sleep during the day. Teachers encourage them to rest, during which we read fairy tales to children in Polish and in English. Sleeping is though an individual decision of each child, - if children are awake, then after listening to fairy tales, they can arrange puzzles, color or watch books.


At Magic World Preschool, children meet many teachers from other countries, and among their peers they will make friends of foreign origin. Multiculturalism is a very important element of our preschool everyday life. We teach respect, tolerance and curiosity about other cultures, flavors from different corners of the world and the richness of nature.


At Magic World Preschool, the relationships between children and teachers as well as parents and teachers are crucial for us. We are very familiar with the "language of the giraffe" in the spirit of non-violent communication (NVC).

Relations with children are based on a deep bond expressed by respect for the natural emotional needs of preschoolers, as well as open communication. We create close, warm relationships in the spirit of trust and empathy. We respect the boundaries of our preschoolers by offering them various forms of greeting and farewell - from a smile to a hug. We support our children in establishing satisfying relationships by facilitating their understanding of their friends’ needs, practicing the ability to share and find compromises, talking about their emotions and needs, as well as ably expressing requests.


At Magic World Preschool, we organize educational trips from the age of 3. Children go on trips regularly, and the topics of the trips are related to nature, culture and art.


Together with our children, we prepare English-language theatrical and dance performances, Christmas concerts, meetings for the day of the family, grandmother and grandfather. Consuming culture and art is a permanent element of preschool life, e.g. through regular participation in classical music concerts or theater performances. We invite many artists and guests to our space who inspire and show us their world. We also invite parents who share their professional or cultural experience, show an interesting part of their lives and broaden the horizons of our preschoolers.
Obcowanie z kulturą i sztuką jest stałym elementem życia przedszkolnego np. poprzez regularne uczestniczenie w koncertach muzyki klasycznej, czy przedstawieniach teatralnych. Zapraszamy do naszej przestrzeni wielu artystów i gości, którzy inspirują i pokazują nam swój świat.
Do współpracy zapraszamy również rodziców, którzy dzielą się swoim doświadczeniem zawodowym lub kulturowym, pokazują ciekawy kawałek swojego życia i poszerzają horyzonty naszych przedszkolaków.


Family Day is a celebration of our entire school community. We are happy to have fun and socialise with the parents of our students during a picnic. It is accompanied by competitions, games, field games, sports attractions and numerous other events.


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