We want to educate young global citizens

who know foreign languages,

think independently,

are self-confident,

kreatywnych i odpowiedzialnych.​

who know foreign languages,

think independently,

are self-confident,

creative and responsible.

We care for the harmonious and comprehensive development of our students, we support their passions, we try to inspire, help and encourage them to pursue goals at every stage of their educational path.
We create safe and friendly conditions for self-development. We teach tolerance, respect and openness to various problems of the modern world.


Our school graduate is someone who

is a fluent English language speaker,

Alumni can freely choose further education in Polish or English

Alumni can freely choose further education in Polish or English

They are highly reaching in hard sciences, life sciences and humanities

Capable of managing their own time and organizing their work

Knowing their worth, passionate and committed to their objectives

Caring for others

cooperative, knowing goals and motivated to pursue them.

is a fluent English language speaker,

Alumni can freely choose further education in Polish or English

They are highly reaching in hard sciences, life sciences and humanities

Capable of managing their own time and organizing their work

Knowing their worth, passionate and committed to their objectives

Caring for others

cooperative, knowing goals and motivated to pursue them.


Masz pytania dotyczące rekrutacji? Napisz, zadzwonimy do Ciebie.



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Nasza szkoła – World Primary School – bierze udział w unijnym programie dla szkół, wspieranym finansowo przez Unię Europejską
Program finansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej oraz z budżetu krajowego

Drzwi otwarte 22.02.2025

Zapraszamy do zapisów na drzwi otwarte 11 stycznia do naszej szkoły i przedszkola.
OPEN DAY on 22.02.2025