SUPPORTING OUR STUDENTS – Psychological help

An important element of students' development and education is taking care of their psychophysical well-being and providing support in difficult moments.

We organise support in the following ways:


We organize workshops and psychoeducational activities

We conduct classes in small groups in the field of boosting attention, we practice focus and mindfulness

We take up the subject of dealing with emotions and stress

We support parents

For whom?


Psycho-educational activities are offered to all of our students through regular workshops with a psychologist.


Practising specific skills that support the learning processes, such as concentration, communication.


When we feel sad or overwhelmed, when we need to talk about a topic that bothers us, when we struggle with changing schools and longing, when we don't know how to get along with someone or cope with something.

Family consultations.

We organize attention concentration classes in small groups.

Speech therapy

We offer diagnostics and speech therapy support on the premises. We conduct speech therapy classes in small groups. For all students, we also offer speech therapy workshops, games and tongue twisters that warm up the speech apparatus and prepare for speaking in two languages.

Our specialists:


Masz pytania dotyczące rekrutacji? Napisz, zadzwonimy do Ciebie.



social media:

Nasza szkoła – World Primary School – bierze udział w unijnym programie dla szkół, wspieranym finansowo przez Unię Europejską
Program finansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej oraz z budżetu krajowego

Drzwi otwarte 22.02.2025

Zapraszamy do zapisów na drzwi otwarte 11 stycznia do naszej szkoły i przedszkola.
OPEN DAY on 22.02.2025